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Corporate Tax


The Corporate Tax is one of the most important taxes of our tax system, which affects not only the companies but also other taxpayers in very different ways. It is, in addition, one of those that generates the most conflict regarding taxes and that impacts decisively the economic activity. For this reason, it was essential that in the AEDAF there was a working group on this subject.  

The purpose of the Section is to transmit knowledge and to facilitate the work of the associates in this subject. To do this, they will study and debate those subjects that are of interest and documents will be published on the issues that are dealt with in the meetings of the Section.





  • Blanca Usón Vegas (Coordinadora)

  • Josep Alemany Farré

  • Miguel Ángel Araque Salmerón

  • Enca Baquero Martínez

  • Javier Gálvez Pantoja

  • Luis López-Tello y Díaz Aguado

  • Raúl Salas Lúcia

  • José Ángel Soteras Enciso

  • Antonio Viñuela Llanos



Elaborated documents

Year 2019

Year 2018

Year 2017

Year 2016

Year 2015

Year 2014

Year 2013

Year 2012

Search filters
  • Compensación de BINS y regularización íntegra: la interpretación favorable del artículo 66 bis de la LGT en la SAN de 21 de noviembre de 2019

    Compensación de BINS y regularización íntegra: la interpretación favorable del artículo 66 bis de la LGT en la SAN de 21 de noviembre de 2019

    • 5/12/2020
    • Grupo IS y Contabilidad
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